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  • Writer's pictureMarla

Coming Soon: CliftonStrengths Assessment Price Increase

UPDATE! Gallup decided to wait until January 3, 2023 to increase prices. WOO HOO!

If you're planning to purchase any of the CliftonStrengths assessments, you should be aware that the price for most of them will increase by $10 on October 1, 2022!

The exceptions will be the cost of the top 5 results and the CliftonStrengths for Students Top 5 - the cost for those assessments will remain the same at $19.99.

The good news is that assessment codes never expire. So, if you're thinking about purchasing the CliftonStrengths 34 report, the upgrade to 34 report (for those who already have their top 5), or the CliftonStrengths for Managers or for Sales, do it this month before the price goes up!

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